Virtual Reality Parachute Simulator
Training modernisation is not just about obtaining simulation systems. Training modernisation remains focused on the training of personal. The RAPTOR training system with an integrated curriculum will assist Force Elements to achieve their mission.
J3Seven is a provider for Military Parachuting VR and integrated systems maintenance solutions.
- ADF Veteran Owned & Operated
- 100% Australian
- Premium technical support
Virtual Reality Parachuting Simulator
As part of training the warfighter, the value and benefit of the right simulation systems to support training and capability development are becoming well established. Military Parachuting is an area that benefits significantly from training modernisation incorporating simulation solutions. J3Seven would like to introduce the RAPTOR parachute simulation system. RAPTOR is currently in service at the Australian Defence Force Parachuting School. RAPTOR has a proven track record of providing time and cost efficiencies for parachute training and increasing operator performance through training enhancement.
RAPTOR features a broad spectrum of applications. After specifying the key training element, the user can select from a series of simple, complex individual exercises and interactive group training scenarios. Equipped with an easy-to-use Graphical user interface (GUI), RAPTOR provides the operator a platform for mission planning, as well as creating and operating training serial. We record all training data for subsequent training evaluation in debriefing via an integrated recording module. For generating training scenarios,the operator also has access to a wide range of models and objects. We can accurately match each training scenario to training content, as well as programmed to reflect relevant mission specific equipment (nightvision goggles, oxygen masks, etc.). To simulate real-life conditions, we designed each element to render the experience as realistic as possible. The interplay of physical stimuli (e.g. force feedback, wind) ensures that the jumper is directly impacted during the jump, while Visual stimuli is generated using our 3D terrain database and the image generator (IG), to force the jumper to process and respond to a variety of changing conditions like weather. And environment (day/night/cloud/rain et). High-resolution graphics enhanced simulation accuracy, with realistic clouds and detailed DZs ensure RAPTOR offers a truly virtual experience.
Training modernisation is not just about obtaining simulation systems. Training modernisation remains focused on the training of personal. The RAPTOR training system with an integrated curriculum will assist Force Elements to achieve their mission. J3Seven and e.sigma are confident that the RAPTOR training system will help your static line and military free fall parachutist to be better prepared for real missions.
The RAPTOR parachute training system is the most advanced parachute training system supporting active force feedback for better parachute steering, realistic simulation of turbulences, and landing phases. Various malfunctions can be programmed and simulated for better handling of emergency situations.
The RAPTOR system is constantly evolving as technologies and requirements change. Recent RAPTOR system upgrades are:
- Improved free fall phase
- Improved landing phase
- Improved visualisation systems
- Support of 4k VR googles
- Customer configurable graphical user interphase
- Real wind simulation and stimulation for freefall and steering phase
- Support of oxygen simulation
- Mission planning capability
Note: Simulated icing of googles is available as well as optional real wind simulation. RAPTOR is equipped with an advanced communication system for communication between trainees and between trainees and instructor. RAPTOR supports networking with other RAPTOR stations, as well as virtual jumpers to train realistic mission scenarios.
TRAIN AS YOU FIGHT - RAPTOR supports customer harnesses and chute types
TRAIN WHERE YOU FIGHT - RAPTOR supports customer specific mission areas
TRAIN WHERE YOU FLY - Various exit sequences from various aircraft are available
ADJUSTABLE FRAME HEIGHT - RAPTOR can be assembled from a minimum height of 2.7m to maximum height of 3.5m
FREE-FALL POSITION - After cutaway of the main chute, the trainee returns to the free fall (horizontal) position. Competitors only have freefall at the beginning.
CALIBRATION FREESET-UP - The system is ready to use for each trainee without any delay time, this guarantees a higher trainee throughput