Chemical Agent Disclosure Spray
Agentase C2 chemical agent disclosure spray (ADS) is the most sensitive detection technology available. It complements electronic sensors by providing the ability to map chemical agent contamination for emergency response missions, as well as aid in the decontamination of personnel or equipment after exposure to CWAs.
J3Seven is a provider for CBRN equipment and integrated systems maintenance solutions.
- Veteran Owned & Operated
- 100% Australian
- Premium technical support
Chemical Agent Disclosure Spray
Agentase C2 can be used at many stages of the hazard management process to minimise spread of contamination.
Agentase C2 detects sub-microgram levels of chemical agents within 5 minutes and reveals exact location of agent on the surface.
Non destructive spray allows for sample extraction and analysis via GC/MS during forensic investigations.
Spray options include standard, forensic, fluorescent, and cold weather and are offered in two applicator sizes; one hour training.