We have international experience in delivering comprehensive and effective CBRNE and exploitation training. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team provide the full range of courses, targeted to your specific needs, skill level (Basic to Advanced) and equipment. All courses are conducted at our facilities in Sydney or Cairns. Contact us now to discuss your training requirements.
J3Seven will deploy security-cleared personnel to deliver CBRNE and exploitation response training and coaching around Australasia. We provide tailored 1-on-1, or full-team training, for live-testing agents, emergency responders, law enforcement officers and security specialists, to make sure you have absolute confidence in your equipment before venturing into the field.
Firstly, we will train your team in field operator maintenance. If the problem persists, we will help you resolve it over the web or phone. More serious issues would be dealt with at our Sydney repair facility, eliminating the need to send equipment overseas, and minimising repair time and cost. J3Seven makes operational readiness management so much easier.